Saturday, December 10, 2011

Cape Point. A Pictorial.

I thought I would try something a little different this time and make a picture article. This should make for easy Sunday reading, as well as easy Sunday publishing!

Just follow the pictures and read the small captions!
I will follow this article up later on with a full article with the History etc of Cape Point!

This is a beach as seen from the Lighthouse walk that just caught my eye

The tourist information center at the bottom of the walk up to the light house

The Lighthouse from the bottom of the walk

A beautiful view from the lighthouse

That beach again, I can't begin to describe how beautiful it was

The lighthouse from another point of view

We couldn't figure out what the fishy smell was, until we saw these birds clinging to the mountain

A sheer drop as seen from one of the lookout points

This little outcrop looks like it came straight out of a movie!

Again, that beach....

This is on the other side of the point from that beach I took lots of photos of

That beach, again....

This picture is quite weird. It's a picture of a crack that plunges hundreds of kilometres downwards.

One of the outlooks at the lighthouse area.

This is just above that beach, with some people enjoying the view from over there

This is on that little outcrop (the one straight out of a movie) 

This Lighthouse sits right on the end of that outcrop. It's an extra warning for ships.

This piece of rock has been carved away from the mainland over thousands of years!

It took alot of convincing to stop me climbing over there and trying to

A boat as seen from the lighthouse

The same boat, just without the zoom.

These little black lizards are everywhere on the point! I will give you details on them on the follow up article

Another epic picture!

This can be found by the lighthouse, and gives you some sense of direction on this very confusing point.

The different heights of lookout points, as seen from the lighthouse

Information boards like this are scattered all over the Cape Point area

Another little lizard!

I will keep updating this post with more photos in the future!

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